One City Peterborough is proud to be the new home of The River Magazine. This publication represents the ideas, opinions, and creativity of community members living on a low income. The River is a platform for creative expression, a place for representation, and a source of income for its contributors.
“What I get from contributing is that people are reading my voice. There aretimes when I don’t want to speak out what I feel, but if I write it down onpaper then people can read my voice. It makes me feel good to know peopleare reading my voice.” – Contributing Editor, Cliff Nicholson
[The River is] a document of what life is like, what the parks in summer are like, what the streets in the morning are like, what the homeless shelter is like at night.
It was entirely volunteer run with only the smallest budget possible, and now us volunteers hand it off to One City Peterborough, who have our total faith and trust that they will maintain the integrity of The River that the people at the bottom of this rich man’s tyranny deserve. Like Carol Winter said in the very first piece in the very first River magazine:
“You have the talent to create beauty in bleak
-Steven Henry Martin